Monday, January 28, 2019

What does the future hold?

It is hard to believe sometimes that Little A is 8 months old already.  Time seems to be moving fast. He has made so much progress in these past months and that makes me so happy.  I try to stay in the moment with him each day—celebrating even the smallest accomplishments. I can’t help wonder, though, what does his future hold? This time I actually think about it in the same way a parent with a “typical” child may.  I mean, I know his future holds a surgery or two, but beyond that... Little A is currently an easy-going little boy who rarely cries. He seems happy-go-lucky and smiley. Will this all stay the same? Is it just a deep part of who he is? I really hope so.  Little A loves to snuggle with me and is clearly a mama’s boy. Will he always want to hug me or talk to me about anything and everything? I’m sure this will not be forever and teenage A will not think it’s cool, but maybe he will come back to it someday. Little A is interested in all his new toys and new things around him. I hope he is always curious and enjoys learning. I want him to gain as much knowledge and skills that he can.  I want him to find his passion in life and pursue the path he wants. Maybe an accountant like his dad and grandfather or an engineer like his uncle and grandpa or maybe something no one else does in our family. Whatever path he chooses, I just hope he is living his best life!

        As parents of ALL children, we can’t predict what the future holds.  We can, though, instill values and morals in our children. We can take the necessary steps to set them up for success. AND most importantly we guide them through their hopes and dreams….be their biggest fans!

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