When caught up in this roller coaster ride we call life is it possible to be oversensitive? I am not getting political here and am not talking about the current climate in this country. I am specifically talking about my own personal feelings on my specific journey. Is it ok for me to feel like life isn't fair just because someone around me is going down the “typical”path I did not get to go down? I am told by friends and family that it is normal to feel this way. A few have said they would be more concerned if those thoughts didn't cross my mind at all. They are all happy that I am comfortable enough to talk to them about it. I just want to know if there is a point where maybe I am going to far and being a little too sensitive. When around people,especially those that don't really understand what a day in the life of Little A is like, is when the feelings become the most confusing. I am a little envious that some things like feeding, change in schedule and leaving house are a little easier. All things that give me huge anxiety and stress when not in my own environment that I am used to. The stress always gets worse when things are not going exactly what am I used or how I want them to go. I know you're thinking “ok that all makes sense and doesn’t seem like being oversensitive.” The possible over sensitivity comes after the stress and anxiety is at its capacity. I have no more room for any other emotions...and one more tiny thing is going to make me feel like I am going to cry. Things that can tip the roller coaster down the hill are possibly unintentional comments in passing; not being excited with us about a personal goal Little A has accomplished; seeming like you don't how to interact with him; and only focusing on what he still can’t do. If in a short time span a couple of these things happen, I can usually brush it off and at least for the moment not let it get the best of me. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they don't realize how that comment could make me feel or they are showing they care because they want to know what else he needs to do. Eventually though all of those little things build up inside me, especially if multiple things happen in one short time, and unfortunately I explode in my safe space with my husband (shout out to him who deals with crazy me on top of what he may be feeling) Some of it is just frustrating because for 7 months Little A has been growing and improving each day. He really has come so far. Plus it makes it easier to get through each day when we focus on how awesome our little boy is and not what the future still holds. I always say let's live in the moment. I haven't said anything to people right in those moments because I am afraid I am just going to be told I am being too sensitive and over thinking things. I am afraid that I am going too far and do not have the right to feel hurt over the little things. Even if is being over-sensitive they are still true feelings I have. Right now I do not know how to change that...maybe I will just get used to it or numb to the things I can't change.
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