Saturday, February 1, 2020

Mantra: Unstoppable

When I first started this blog--two posts in--and still very emotional, I was talking to A-wonderous friend Abby a few days after New Years 2019.  Every year she creates herself a little mantra page in a book. She writes the word and decorates the page along with three definitions. I really wanted to do it too, so Abby helped me pick out the word "unstoppable". I never got around to starting a notebook and making a pretty page or anything. To be honest, until a more recent conversation when Abby asked me when I was going to write more posts because my small following was asking, I hadn't even thought about my mantra unstoppable. Even though it is February 1, 2020, better late than never.  Now I'm not sure if UNSTOPPABLE is more fitting for me or Little A. At the time we chose, Abby told me it fit because I am supermom. Like anyone else, I have good and bad days and don't always feel super - I just try my best. Plus, I cannot take all the credit for what this little boy can do. Did I give him opportunities to learn and practice? Yes! Did I push him and show him not to give up? Yes! I also showed him sometimes, to have the strength to keep going, you need to lean on people you trust. But in the end, I'm not the one who learned the skills - Little A did. I'm not the one who, not only met goals, but surpassed them (sooner than expected) - Little A did.  In 2019, Little A was UNSTOPPABLE! We wanted him to drink a few ounces...he would drink the whole bottle. We wanted him to just drink the bottle for 1 feeding...he drank his bottle all day. We just wanted him to eat a few bites of baby puree...he ate it all. Unstoppable A eats what he wants when he wants it. Unstoppable A has some signs and about 30 not perfect, but understandable words (I say about because everyday I feel like I am surprised to hear a new one). Like any 20 month old, he has his tantrums and needs to be reminded he does have better, more effective ways to communicate. If Little A doesn't have the word YET to tell us what he wants, he has learned to take your hand and say "come" so he can show you. According to Google, unstoppable means "impossible to stop". I would definitely say Little A had an unstoppable 2019 and because of that I was an unstoppable Mama.  I learned I have the strength and heart to support this little boy in any way I can. I learned to try, even if I'm afraid to fail, because that is the unstoppable way. This unstoppable mama and son have a pretty good track record going that shows together we will meet our goals. For now, unstoppable still feels like a powerful word to me. One that, when I feel like maybe I can't keep going, will help remind me that we haven't let anything stop us in the past, so we won't in the future. #UNSTOPPABLE

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